
Mary Magill

Mary Magill is a credentialed Health and Physical Education teacher, PPR Certified Coach and Level 2 IPTPA Certified Pickleball Instuctor. She has taught grades TK- 12 over the last 15 years. Her teaching and coaching philosophy align with her belief that all children should be exposed to a variety of physical activities so they may be confident movers who value their well-being and find enjoyment in the participation of lifetime recreation and sport. Mary is especially passionate about introducing kids of all ages to the fastest growing, socially inclusive sport in the nation; Pickleball.


Amy Jennings

Amy Jennings is a credentialed physical education teacher with a Masters in Physical Education. She comes from an athletic background in aquatics but recently transitioned to the growing land sport of Pickleball. She fell in love with the game and worked toward a Level II IPTPA (International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association) Certification. Amy has three small children in elementary school and wanted to bring this sport into the hands of the kids. She sees the way Pickleball can bring families together and is excited to share with our community.